Pentagram Film

Cookie Policy

Our cookie policy explains what cookies are, how we use cookies, and how any third parties we cooperate with may use cookies on our site. Pentagram Film AB, org no. 559010-3882 ("us", "we" or "our") uses cookies on (the "website"). By using the service, you consent to the use of cookies.


Cookies are small text files stored on your computer, tablet, or mobile phone. They all get unique numbers. There are different types of cookies.

  • Session cookies: Temporarily saved on your computer when you visit our website and are deleted as soon as you shut down your browser.

  • Permanent cookies: Remains on your computer until you delete them.

  • First-party cookies: Placed on your computer by us when you browse our website.

  • Third-party cookies: Used to collect information for advertising and tailored content as well as for web statistics. These third-party cookies give an image of the user's browsing habits and there is the possibility to block this particular type of cookies in your browser by making an individual setting on your computer if you do not want third-party cookies to be accepted.

The information we receive is anonymous and does not contain any name, email address, or any other personal information that may be linked to you as an individual.


Cookies allow us to improve your user experience. We collect information about you who browse our website through several types of cookies. Below you can see in which categories we use cookies and how we use the information collected.


Contains information that we must have in order for you to access certain services. An example is that we should remember which products you have put in your shopping cart or how far you have come in your order. The necessary cookies are also used to enable us to offer you the live chat function and our payment solution.


Used to make sure that the pages you use load faster.


Contains general information about how to use our services. The information allows us to adapt our website to your needs so that we can make your use as easy as possible or to be able to analyze our visitor flows.


These cookies are used to help us remember the choices you made when you previously used our services. For example, you should not have to choose which language our website should appear in every time you visit us.


We do not currently set cookies to manage marketing for the website.


If you want to delete cookies or instruct your browser to delete or block cookies, you can visit the help pages in your browser. Please note, however, that if you delete cookies or refuse to accept them, you may not be able to use all the features we offer or store your settings, and some of our pages may not appear correctly.
